Creative Therapy: Navigating a National Crisis
If you have kept up with recent studies on mental health, you have probably heard about the United States experiencing a national mental health cri...
Is Free Speech Still Free?
By: Matthew Lies
Is the “free speech'' in America still as free as it was 40 years ago? Everyone has a form of voice, whether that be physical or...
Missing the Outside: Staying Positive When We Need to Most
By: Julee Nhek
When I looked out the window, there seemed to be a couple of things that became the norm with this pandemic: people wearing masks ...
The Influence Of Fashion As It Relates To Societal Values And Mental Wellbeing
By: Haixiao Feng
Celebrities turning up dressed in black at award ceremonies, protesters dressing up to match their political agenda, political r...
Procrastination: Pandemic Problems and Finding Solutions
Has your work schedule been overwhelming and difficult to control because there is a lack of daily structure in your life? Do you have to work at h...
Building the Perfect Wardrobe
In the age of minimalism, self-expression, and the rising importance of monitoring ones’ mental health, fashion has become a major outlet for peopl...
Exploring Native Voices: Where to Start
When we ask people to share their voices here at America Equals, we acknowledge the fact that there are many diverse voices out there, and we encou...
Should You Pick Up an Instrument?
The first time I picked up an instrument I was eight years old taking piano lessons from a local Salvation Army officer, and I didn’t care much for...
Journaling: Finding Your Voice!
Here at America =’s, we encourage others to share (and wear!) their voices, as we believe it is the best and fastest way to progress as a society. ...
Minority Authors You Should Be Reading
By Melanie Wong IG:theasianonne Contact information:
We are big fans of reading! Literature is a powerful thing where people c...
Together as One
By Melanie WongIG: @theasianonne
Your Vote Matters
We here at America Equals want you to raise your voice! And now that we’re nearing our 2020 ele...
I Tap Danced for 15 Years. Then All of a Sudden I Stopped.
By: Keaveny Hewitt
The black laces were tied in tiny, little bows, and the metal taps were screwed in perfectly to the bottoms of my shoes. I sto...