A Voice of Unity in America
For about the past 5 years it seems like we’ve hit a bit of a roadblock here in America. I know many people are still reeling from the divisive presidential election of 2016, and the us vs. them mentality that it created for many Americans. While poor leadership certainly isn’t helping, I think there’s more to this divide than meets the eye. No matter who you voted for in the last election, I think there is still a major feeling from the American people that our leaders aren’t doing a good enough job representing our voices.
How Writing Changed the American Dream
Writing has a way of changing the world. It informs, entertains, and persuades. In some cases, it creates new sets of beliefs and ideas that people adopt. Writing is a crucial way of unifying people and getting them to take action. There are several famous pieces that you can look here to see other examples of writings that changed America’s history.